The Quest for Cosmic Justice

I’m shocked this was written in 1999. I didn’t learn the date until after finishing the book. That illustrates that we live in the same general state of challenge that he wrote about, and things haven’t changed for 20 years. People in power still seek power. Seek to restrict freedoms of few, in an attempt to empower the many, in the name of equity and cosmic justice.
social justice

Wednesday January 10, 2024

social justice

Quest for cosmic justice

2024-01-17 - housing reform: makes observers feel better about themselves. People who saved money in slums were forced to move to more expensive housing. This causes them to be even more dependent on the government as housing is more expensive and now they need subsidies - Tyranny of visions. - The Problem with Public Opinions - money and power. Chapter 14. - Chapter 15. Napoleonic power. Men will rise to seek this.

2024-01-16 - war preparedness prevents war. - Ego and vision vs evidence. What’s the evidence for my theory? People defend visions more than evidence even in spite of evidence.



Bryan lives somewhere at the intersection of faith, fatherhood, and futurism and writes about tech, books, Christianity, gratitude, and whatever’s on his mind. If you liked reading, perhaps you’ll also like subscribing: