1 Nephi 2 - Receiving a promised land

The Lord gives us one thing, takes it to give us another even better
individual covenant
come follow me
book of mormon

Thursday January 11, 2024

individual covenant
come follow me
book of mormon

While Lehi wandered in the wilderness, Nephi recounted he left the “land of his inheritance”:

And it came to pass that he departed into the wilderness. And he left his house, and the land of his inheritance, and his gold, and his silver, and his precious things, and took nothing with him, 1 Nephi 2.4

Leaving the promised land

Yet by the end of the Chapter, Nephi is promised a land of inheritance:

And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands. 1 Nephi 2.20

Amazing how they lose one thing but gain another. Also amazing is how they had prophets warning them of Jerusalem’s destruction - why didn’t the Lord make those prophets leave?

He has a plan for us individually.

CS Lewis remarked something along the lines of “We don’t chase God, God chases us”.

Both Malcolm Muggeridge and C.S. Lewis attest to this. Muggeridge wrote, “I had a notion that somehow, besides questing, I was being pursued.” Lewis said that, “…night after night…I sensed the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. Finally, I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed…” (link, also discussed in The Oxford Inklings: Lewis, Tolkien and Their Circle) (good reads link)


Bryan lives somewhere at the intersection of faith, fatherhood, and futurism and writes about tech, books, Christianity, gratitude, and whatever’s on his mind. If you liked reading, perhaps you’ll also like subscribing: