I’m Grateful for Early Morning Workouts

It was good then, and the effects have been lifelong
personal stories

Monday January 22, 2024

personal stories

I played football when in middle and high school. Part of the high school routine was early morning summer workouts.

6:30 am is brutal for a 16 year old kid. But getting up, going to the school to run some sprints, get a lift in, and get home by 8 to shower and go back to sleep was always a great feeling.

I’m grateful that to this day I still value exercise. I know the benefits it gives me. I also know how to lift properly so I don’t hurt myself. I also have muscle/ligament memory where it’s easier to pick up after 6months of not exercising compared to someone starting from scratch. (Maybe that’s not a scientific thing, but I feel like it is 😂).

I’m slightly less grateful that my 16 year old self could bench more than I’ll ever again be able to bench, and run more than I’ll ever again have time to run, but perhaps I’m grateful I can challenge myself to surpass my teenage years.

Get up. Get going. Get on.


Bryan lives somewhere at the intersection of faith, fatherhood, and futurism and writes about tech, books, Christianity, gratitude, and whatever’s on his mind. If you liked reading, perhaps you’ll also like subscribing: