I’m Grateful for Rescue Workers

We in America have hundreds of people ready to help us at a moment’s notice

Monday January 29, 2024


Just read a book about the true “heroes” of this world with my kids. It illustrated the many perils that members of the coast guard, police department, fire department, and health care workers and such face.

I think about the souls who lost their lives trying to save victims of 9/11. I think about someone close to me who was flown on a helicopter to another hospital and saved there. I think about a friend in high school who was carted away in an ambulance because they collapsed right on the ground during the middle of a game.

We have an amazing response team in America. The fact that anyone can pick up their phone and dial 3 numbers and get help within 5 minutes from people trained to help is pretty incredible. It’s a safety net we don’t appreciate until we need it. And many in the world live without it.

Help is on the way!


Bryan lives somewhere at the intersection of faith, fatherhood, and futurism and writes about tech, books, Christianity, gratitude, and whatever’s on his mind. If you liked reading, perhaps you’ll also like subscribing: