
I’m grateful for time, however temporary.

Friday January 5, 2024


I’m grateful for time.

Time to live. Time to breathe. Time to eat. Time to walk. Time to sit at my computer and hope I’m making a difference in the world. Time to be with my family and realize I am.

Children are more affected by time than others. Time robs them of their youth, forcing them minute by minute into the world. But time is generous, equitable, and just. It’s fair to everyone. We all have time.

But we don’t all have the same time. Someone I know had cancer. Their time was marked. Another with cancer had their marking erased. Another on a bike passed out mid ride; time ran out. Another on a hill whose time was almost out recovered quickly. Time.

And I’m grateful for that time is temporary. (The Dove (Forevermore))

Time is measured by the sands of the beach, but the sands don’t measure time


Bryan lives somewhere at the intersection of faith, fatherhood, and futurism and writes about tech, books, Christianity, gratitude, and whatever’s on his mind. If you liked reading, perhaps you’ll also like subscribing: