True source data
Sunday thoughts: Who is your “true source” for the data you collect?
In data science we always chat about the true source data. Because there’s the data that comes in, which we then build our models on. And we do a bunch of analytics on that data.
As a data scientist, I always* want to deal with the true source data, because if someone else took a raw dataset and rounded the numbers or injected some multiplications then I have no idea how to analyze it. (*Yea maybe not “always”…true source data usually never actually looks good or is ever in the format you want. Data engineering can help…)
By going straight to the true source I know that either my data provider is off or I’m off when something looks weird.
Is the same principle in journalism: primary vs secondary sources…
I’ve personally come to learn that spending quiet time, praying and meditating, are the best forms of true source data collection.
Bryan lives somewhere at the intersection of faith, fatherhood, and futurism and writes about tech, books, Christianity, gratitude, and whatever’s on his mind. If you liked reading, perhaps you’ll also like subscribing: